nature restores your true nature
Sandalwood (chandana) seed
Sowing the seeds of your radiant health
Chandana Ayurveda draws on a range of Ayurvedic treatments to curate a personalised healing plan that meets your unique needs. There are three streams of treatments – Massage, Oil and Steam as outlined below. Hypnotherapy, Marmapuncture, Panchkarma and specific exercise and diet programs for hips, knees and osteo arthritis management are also offered.
One-on-one consultation
Be guided through a comprehensive review of your symptoms and constitution (Doshas) to detect the early signs of imbalance. The process draws on a range of techniques including; in-depth case taking, tongue reading and pulse analysis, lifestyle assessment and sometimes even a tarot reading. You will receive a personalised healing treatment plan via email following the consultation. An initial 60 minute consult is $150.

Ayurveda is preventative in its approach to cultivate the foundations for your optimal long-term health it is imperative to have
a strong Agni and vibrant Ojas
“Your hands became my hands in complete unity, no separation. My body became so heavy and fell into deep deep relaxation yet I became so very light floated in a beyond the body blissful state of being only available when total relaxation is achieved. A place of oneness and wonder beyond words…. This treatment was the most cosmic massage I have ever experienced, can’t recommend it highly enough.” V
Snehana massage & hot stone - the ultimate massage experience
This full body massage is a deeply nourishing, relaxing and therapeutic treatment which balances you on every level.
A warming nourishing treatment for the whole body, opens your energy flow through the entire body channel system, re-establishing a balanced flow in the Nadi energy channels and the Marma points.
The hot stone therapy on the back and a head massage provides a deeply relaxing experience which calms the mind. Sound therapy clears any released blockages from chakras and greater energy field.
This treatment pacifies all three Doshas, it is Rasyana, builds Ojas and clears the lymphatic system, stress, anxiety, aches and pains, insomnia, restlessness and more.
90 min $150 oils included
incl 20-30 min steam $185 Total 2 hours
Marmapuncture - Ayurvedic acupuncture
Marmapuncture is a gentle needling therapy where fine acupuncture needles are applied to key points of the body, Marmapoints interconnected with the Nadis, energy channels.
A natural flow of vital force, PRANA or QI circulates through the bodies subtle energy channels, Nadis.
Tension, stress, body or mind trauma, injuries, dis-ease or illness will at times hinder this natural flow of energy. The flow is then interrupted by subtle blockages.
Applying needles in key marmapoints helps to unblock the channels so the prana can flow freely
Heat or pressure can be used as home remedies to stimulate certain marma points to help acute conditions like headaches, nausea, stomach ache, dizziness or vomiting
treatments $70 buy 6 pay $65
With first initial consult 50% off
Total $185 for 2 hour consult & treatment
Kati Basti - for lower backs
This nourishing and warming treatment is excellent for addressing lower back pain.
It is instrumental in healing of bulging or ruptured discs, menstrual issues, cramping, dryness, and various menopause discomforts.
Kati basti is also used in treating infertility.
A Basti (dam), made out of dough, is placed on the lumbar region and filled with a warm medicated oil with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Treats sciatica, constipation, lower back pain and discomfort. Oil is required to be purchased for this treatment. Helps establish proper downward flow in body.
Pacifies Aparna Vata
40 min $95
with back massage and Nadi sweat, local steam $125
Incl full body massage $245
Medicated oils $15 (used for 3 treatments)
Pinda Sweda - for healing
Pinda Sweda is a unique and nurturing treatment that helps you restore your strength and vitality. Following oileation, snehana, the body is massaged with warm rice bouluses with herbs in milk
This treatment is strengthening and highly beneficial for those recovering from injury, illness, childbirth or physical/emotional trauma and the elderly.
includes an oileation massage
With 2 therapists $280
With 1 therapist $250
Shirodhara - to calm the mind
Feel your mental tension melt away in this very relaxing traditional Ayurvedic treatment.
After a full body massage, warm oil cascades continuously on your forehead to settle the mind and pacify Vata.
This ancient treatment balances your Vata Doshat. It helps relieve stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression & high blood pressure.
Shirodhara oil needs to be purchased for this treatment which lasts for at least 3 treatments.
45 min $95
Oil $40-$80 (depending on hair length)
Takra Dhara - migraine/headaches
Similar to Shirodhara. This very cooling and calming treatment is done with a mixture of buttermilk and cooling herbs to treat, excess heat of the mind and head.
Takra Dhara balances Pitta and Vata. It nourishes and relaxes the mind, relieves stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression.
Especially effective in treatment of migraines and headaches.
3 treatments are recommended for ongoing lasting results.
45 min $95
Takra with herbal decoction $35
Netra Basti – for eyes
See clearly with this cooling treatment for the eyes. Ghee is retained in a special Basti reservoir made with the sticky urud dough and placed around the eyes. Special medicated ghee is applied into the reservoir for healing benefits to the eyes.
This is a very cooling and soothing treatment for eyes. It helps eye sight and clarity of vision
Treats irritated, burning, red, tired and dry eyes while improving eyesight by nourishing and strengthening the eye.
Pacifies Pitta
30 min $95 (includes ghee)
Nasya - for sinuses and clarity of mind
Take the pressure off with Nasya cultivating clarity of mind and pacifying Kapha
First a vigorous facial massage is done with Karpooradi Tailam to loosen and activate sinuses, this is followed by gentle hand towel steam Then Anu tailam, clearing oil drops are applied into both nostrils.
Treats sinusitis acute and chronic, blocked nose, hay fever, headache and migraines.
Nasya 20 min $45
Nasya and Ear-filling 40 min $70
Warm oil ear treatment $30
Marma, Nasya and ears 70 min $135
Hridaya basti - for the heart
This beautiful treatment done with medicated oil that calms and nourishes the Physical, emotional and energetic heart.
A basti is built over the heart chakra to hold the oil. A most exqusite calming and soothing treatment where subtle energies can be experienced, explored and healed.
It treats grief, heart ache, anxiety, depression, stress, past trauma and heaviness in chest.
Pitta and Vata pacifying
30 min $85
Medicated oil $15 can be reused 3 times
Bashpa Sweda Steam box - detox
Activate lymphatic system and cleanse in a therapeutic steam box to detox and to nourish the succulence of your skin.
Other benefits include, boosting your metabolism, relaxing muscles and tendons, activating the fluid and lymphatic system and supporting weight loss.
This seated treatment is traditionally enjoyed after a full body massage and is integral in the Panchakarma detox.
20 mins $35
Nadi sweat – for pain relief
This nourishing, soothing and relaxing localised steam treatment helps the body absorb the medicated oils more deeply into the tissues to release tension, inflammation and pain. It also activates the srotas helping the body detox and unblock these important pathways of the body.
It’s beneficial for nourishing tissues, reducing pain inflammation and swelling and is primarily used on the spinal column and large joints. For whole body Bashpa steam box is used.
Standard 20 min $55
Following Kati Basti 10 min $20
Hypnotherapy can support you in achieving your goals by aligning your sub-conscious mind with your conscious mind.
By letting go of the old self sabotage and habitual patterns you can make clearer choices with better outcomes
Hypnotherapy is a beneficial treatment for addressing anxiety, pain management, addictions, negative thought patterns, Read more in Karina’s article.
Book your free 15 minute explorative call

“Karina teaches you to stop when you need to stop, to listen to yourself when you need to listen to yourself and how to nourish yourself through your food, your lifestyle and meditation so you feel more energised and not depleted. Chandana Ayurveda has been a nourishing blessing in my life.”
~ Olivia~
Detox for body and mind
Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic cleansing process that ultimately purifies all body tissues and systems at a very deep level. Panchakarma removes excess Ama (toxins) and corrects Dosha imbalances. It also eliminates any harmful toxins out of your system through the body’s organs and channels of elimination (colon, sweat glands, lungs, bladder, urinary tract, stomach and intestines). The entire process is tailored to meet your unique needs and to treat specific imbalances and build up of toxins in your body. Find out more >

“Twice now I have received a Panchakarma treatment by Karina. Each time I have felt renewed, strengthened and cleansed not only physically, but mentally and emotionally.
Karina is a sensitive, intuitive and experienced therapist. I recommend her treatments to anyone of any age - I am 71 and it certainly rejuvenated me and miraculously cleared my debilitating headaches.”
~ Lyndy ~