energy clearing, hypnotherapy
Sacred Ancestral Clearing & DNA Healing
The Sacred Ancestral Clearing & DNA Healing is a powerful and profound combination of Shamanism and working with Spirit, Energetic Alchemy, Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy and NLP to create the most unique and pure wave of healing throughout an entire bloodline. This process takes 2-2.5 hours available in clinic or online. Cost $280

& deep healing
How it works
We call in the Spirit of the clients Ancestors and the Higher Self Aspects of all current Family to perform a massive removal of all negative emotions, limiting beliefs, oppression, suppression and repression, negative energies, entities, ancient spells, curses and hexes - and so much more!
Using the Principles of Timeline Therapy, NLP and a Hypnotic Trance the client is then transported back to Conception where we start to energetically repair the DNA, whilst reprogramming the unconscious mind with all the positive emotions, traits, beliefs and learnings they need for success!
This process really is such a work of art. It is birthed from a place of great understanding of the Sciences and Principles of a combination of many different powerful modalities. It has been handed over with huge spiritual back up and it is pure Magic in motion
The results have been widespread with many noticing massive ripple effects throughout their bloodlines. Individual results vary of course, but the testimonials have been coming in thick and fast with some truly profound reports of change throughout the family.

“I just had an opportunity to experience this guided visualisation process and it is inexplicably powerful! If you want to release old energies that no longer serve you, I would highly recommend.” Louise
“I have just walked out of a session with Karina, It was amazing to say the least, powerful, cleansing and reaffirming. I had some old stories running in the background which were dictating how I turn up in life, self-limiting narratives etc. The funny thing is they weren't even my own doing they had been passed down! It felt great to leave with a strong sense of self and an end to patterns that did not serve me.”~Theva
“ Karina was absolutely phenomenal taking me through this clearing. The issues I had are no longer holding me back and it was such a joy to have met Karina during this process” ~ Maggie
“The miracles are happening. Heart opening this morning and pain released thru hips…. Living the dream “ ~ Lindy
“The next morning I drove myself to watch the sunrise, after not driving for nearly 12 months. The anxiety I once had surrounding driving was almost completely gone. The event was incredible, almost hard to put into words. I’ve started to gain weight, feel better about myself & let go of conditioned beliefs from my childhood. I cannot thank you enough for the journey. What you do is truly remarkable”~Briony
+61 0411553485
Both these processes are life changing don’t delay stepping into your highest potential
sexual sovereignty
Reclaiming Your Sexual Sovereignty with the Ascended Master Dolphins of Atlantis is the most gentle, loving and deeply profound journey into rapidly resetting you into the pleasure, passion, deeply loving and intimate portal of love that is your Sexual Being.
Sexual Healing can be quite tricky, messy, scary and can feel quite unsafe due to the nature of the entanglements we have acquired over lifetimes.
But this incredibly deep & profound process is so gentle, so loving, and so incredibly beautiful, that Deep pain and trauma are released in a very simple & loving way, with pure joy.

~ How does it work? ~
Entering through an Atlantean Portal of Transformation we journey through Sacred Realms with the Ascended Master Dolphins, to shed the layers of sexual trauma, shame, armouring, distortion, corruption, abuse of power, loss of power, suppression and so much more throughout our entire Soul History.
Sweeping through multiple timelines, we release and dissolve the old dysfunctional coding as we receive the energetic upgrades and recalibration necessary to anchor back into the Conscious Blue Print of Humanity’s Original Sexual Frequency.
So many of our core woundings are held within our Sexual Body and History:
- Expression
- Confidence
- Intimacy
- Relationships
- Creativity
- Fertility
- Ability to make and manage money
- Feeling safe in the world
- Self Care
- Self Love
- Attraction and Magnetism
And so much more!
Humanity as a whole, has incredibly distorted, dysfunctional and disempowered Sexual frequencies that are causing deep underlying trauma responses, neglect of self, addictions, abuse of self and others and creating distorted expression of self.
This incredibly profound process, has been gifted to us and supported by Atlantean, Egyptian and Sirian Guides.
It is a true gift to Humanity and is destined to provide the deep and profound changes needed for Humanity at this time.
An incredibly beautiful clearing process. Truly magical.
~ When we Heal ourselves, we Heal the World. cost $250